
Coding is something everyone can dive into, not just those with a knack for computers. Family Coding Days offer a fantastic starting point! Here at AUKidCode, we believe coding is more enjoyable when shared, which is why we invite families to join us for an evening of learning and laughter.

These Family Coding Days could easily become the highlight of your week, providing a chance to bond while picking up some valuable skills. During these events, families get involved in hands-on activities that introduce the basics of coding in a fun and relaxed atmosphere.

No previous coding experience is required. We'll walk you through simple, enjoyable projects that everyone can get stuck into. From creating a basic animation to designing a video game character or programming a small robot, our activities are designed to engage both kids and adults, ensuring a memorable time for the whole family.

In addition to being a great way to spend time together, Family Coding Days also help demystify computer science for kids and adults alike. They show that coding isn't just practical but also accessible and enjoyable.

Excited to host your own Family Coding Days? Drop us an email at AUKidCode for tips, resources, and support to organize an activity that your family and friends will adore. Let's make coding a fun family affair!

Brady S

CEO and Lead Instructor for AU Kid Code. Previously, Google CA Mid-Level Software Engineer