
Hi, I'm Brady.

I'm the founder of AU Kid Code and one of its lead instructors. 9 years ago, I was 14, in middle school, and admittedly slightly lost in my life. I didn't have many friends, I didn't have many hobbies and I was mostly trapped at home. I found solace in programming.

I remember writing my first line of Python code and being enthralled when the words "Hello World" first printed onto my desktop screen. It was a new world of computers for me to discover.

From then on, I devoted the next few years of my childhood life to this amazing craft I had discovered, reading books, watching videos, and creating projects. It felt amazing. At 14/15/16/17 I felt like I was putting in time and effort into something actually fruitful, into something that would actually have an impact on my adult life. And it did! A year into Uni I was offered an internship at Deloitte, climbed up the corporate ladder and landed at Google CA as a software engineer. The spark I felt at 14 had finally paid off.

But that wasn't the end of my story. I left half a year into the job. I was building on the complex systems that I had dreamed of, the infrastructure and design architectures I had only ever seen excerpts of, yet it didn't feel very me. I quit the job and started multiple passion projects and startups, some failing and some succeeding, yet this pursuit of my previous passion was able to ignite a fire in me I had only seen when 14-year-old me first started coding. I felt like that was truly the best version of me.

I decided to build AU Kid Code, as a way of expressing the love and joy I felt with programming throughout the years. I hope to be able to inspire young minds to follow their passions and I did and create something out of it.


Brady S

CEO and Lead Instructor for AU Kid Code. Previously, Google CA Mid-Level Software Engineer