
Coding is a big deal in the world right now. Technology runs rampant with every 10-year-old scrolling through their iPad and all your work colleagues checking their email every 5 minutes. But in a world where programming and development have grown so maturely, is there really any space left for new, up-and-coming developers in the future?

The answer is a resounding Yes. And here's why.

1. AI is the future

AI is slowly taking over the world, starting from Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT which can provide autonomous independent answers to almost any of your questions, to AI-powered machinery in our real world (see self-driving cars and AI-powered healthcare appliances). And with its introduction to the general populace (with OpenAi's ChatGPT launch) occurring only 2 years ago, AI has only risen more and more in usage in our lives. Secure your child's future by ensuring they aren't missing out on being part of the expected 1300% increasse in AI usage by over 150 million companies worldwide.

AUKidCode's Intro To Python course helps set up kids aged 13+ with the fundamentals of computer science and Python (the primary AI and Machine Learning programming language) so they can get a head start on future of tech!

2. Web development is growing at a rapid pace

The significance of web development in 2024 can't be understated, bans, hospitals, and governments use websites for EVERYTHING! Web development is a necessity in our current lives.

Kids learning web development love it too! With just a couple lines of code, they can make their favourite anime character do a flip on screen, or even build an interactive portfolio to show to their friends!

So prepare your kids for the web dev world, and have them have fun while they're at it too! AuKidCode is offering an Intro To HTML and Intro To JavaScript course for newcomer web developers. Or, if your child already knows a thing or two, sign them up for an intermediate Web Design: HTML and CSS course, or take their programming skills up another notch with JavaScript Warrior

3. Helps kids in their daily lives

Coding is without a doubt one of the most cognitively strenuous fields out there. And this isn't without good reason, mission-critical complex infrastructure and design systems need deep thought and care put into them.

How does this translate into the work kids are doing though? The constant challenge and need to problem-solve forces kids to break issues down into more manageable sub-problems, and then progress through an iterative process of identifying, prioritizing, and implementing solutions. Thus, children start honing their problem-solving and creative-thinking skills as soon as they take on their first coding challenge.

A deep proficiency in coding also translates to an inner-confident child. When your child is able to develop independent fluency in a field that many others consider difficult and unrelenting, a strong sense of competence is fostered within them that translates to confidence.

Your child can get a head start coding as early as 7 years old with AuKidCode's Intro To Scratch course. Sign them up now!

AuKid Code is Australia's #1 choice for kid's coding camps. With over 7+ courses, 300+ satisfied students, and industry experienced instructors, you can be sure that your child is in safe and capable hands! Sign up for a course today at

Brady S

CEO and Lead Instructor for AU Kid Code. Previously, Google CA Mid-Level Software Engineer